This programme enables teachers and professionals to gain a master’s level teaching qualification with credentials for school-based research and development activities. This will form an important part of their continuing professional development and will ensure graduates are well-equipped to meet the challenges of their teaching career.
Through this programme we seek to:
Provide the opportunity to gain a postgraduate qualification and to address the need for their personal and professional growth;
Develop students' understanding of current thinking on best practices in education, and encourage the application and development of best practices for the benefit of the teaching and learning community;
Enable participants to plan and conduct research in a systematic way and to share and disseminate research findings and their impact on the quality of teaching and learning within the educational community and beyond;
Provide an opportunity for participants to reflect upon current practices and look for initiatives related to their professional work in order to enhance the quality of participants’ practice through critical enquiry and innovative thinking;
Enable critical evaluation of learning in a variety of contexts and encourage participants to identify relevant theoretical, professional and/or research-based sources and use these appropriately in study and/or professional practice;
Provide opportunities for developing positive professional relationships with students, other teachers/educators and stakeholders in various aspects of education in order to improve practice and raise achievement.
General Entry Criteria
Completion of a related Bachelor’s Degree OR
A related Graduate Diploma at level 8.
Core Modules
Promoting Successful Learning
Educational Leadership and Management
Curriculum Design and Implementation
Award Postgraduate Certificate in Education
Educational Assessment and Evaluation
Educational Research
Option 1: (Route for teachers with teaching qualifications)
Award Master of Education in Teaching
Option 2: (Route for teachers without teaching qualifications)
Professional Experience AND
Action Research OR
Capstone Project
Award Master of Education in Teaching
Upon successful completion of this programme, students will be able to:
Demonstrate understanding of main educational theories, their main principles and concepts and apply and integrate them in professional work;
Work collaboratively and autonomously to undertake responsibilities at a professional level in both teaching and leadership;
Demonstrate understanding of the significance of relevant contextual factors influencing education policy and practice;
Use critical reflection in the learning process to explore the relationship between theory and practice in complex situations;
Perform effectively and efficiently in complex and specialized contexts and adapt and develop skills and procedures for new situations, exercising initiative and personal responsibility in making informed judgments;
Plan for and execute a small-scale enquiry and educational research in a systematic and reflexive manner, identifying and explaining methodological and epistemological issues around the research process and critically analysing and evaluating research outcomes, while being aware of ethical issues;
Interact effectively as a team member, supporting, leading, clarifying tasks, making appropriate use of the capacities of group members, negotiating and handling conflicts with confidence;
Take independent and self-critical responsibility for own work, guiding the learning of others and managing their own requirements for continuing professional development;
Communicate effectively with a broad range of audiences including learners and other professionals;
Understand the significance of issues of equality, diversity, inclusion and social justice related to education policy and practice